May 4-9 Spring Work Week
June 8-15 J2A pilgrimage - St. Catherine's Episcopal Church, Temple Terrace, FL
June 28-July 5 - potential Family Reunion
July 12-19 - J2A Pilgrimage - Trinity Episcopal Church, Newtown, CT
Aug. 1-4 - private group retreat
Sept. 7-12 - Tandem Quaker School, Charlottesville, VA, Junior Class U. S. History Revisionist Pilgrimage
Sept. 14-20 Fall Work Week (stc)
May 20-26 Spring Work Week
June 17-22 Lakota Ceremonies
June 17-24 J2A Pilgrimage - Church of St. Martin in the Field, PA
July 4 Independence Day Celebration - "with freedom and justice for ALL"
July 14-21 J2A Pilgrimage - Trinity Episcopal Church, New Town, CT and
J2A Pilgrimage - St. John's Episcopal Church, Northampton, MA
July 28-Aug. 4 J2A Pilgrimage - Trinity Episcopal Church, Redlands, CA
July TBA Trinity Episcopal Church J2A pilgrimage, Princeton, New Jersey
Aug. 4-11 J2A Pilgrimage - Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
Aug. 24 Prayer Vigil for the Prairie
February 24-March 1 - Private Retreat
April 16 - Board Meeting
May 19-26 Spring Work/Play Week
June 18-24 Lakota Ceremonial Retreat
June 25 - July 2 - Trinity Episcopal Church, Fishkill, NY, J2A Pilgrimage and
St. John's Episcopal Church, Royal Oak, MI, J2A Pilgrimage
July 16-22 - St. James' Episcopal Church, Leesburg, FL, J2A Pilgrimage
TBA Straw Bale Housing Project/Pine Ridge
August 20-27 Women's Retreat
TBA - Fall Work/Play Week
January 9 - 16 Virginia Theological Seminary January Term @ Borderlands
June 26 - July 3 - St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Providence, Rhode Island
June 27 - July 3 - Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia
July 8 - July 13 - Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
July 11 - July 18 - St. John's Episcopal Church, Northampton, Massachusetts
July 17 - July 24 - Trinity Episcopal Church, Newtown, Connecticut
July 25 - August 1 - St. John's Episcopal Church, Niantic, Connecticut
July 25 - August 1 - Trinity Episcopal Church, Princeton, New Jersey
August 1 - August 8 - Living Well: Lakota Sustainable Housing Design Conference
August 8 - August 15 - private rental
August 16 - August 22 - St. Peter's by the Sea, Narragansett, Rhode Island
August 23 - August 29 - Adventures in Good Company Women's Travel Group
January 11 - 18 Virginia Theological Seminary January Term @ Borderlands
May 11 - 14 GreenFaith Fellowship Retreat – Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY
May 23 - 31 Volunteer Work Days at Borderlands Ranch
June 1 - 8 J2A Pilgrimage – St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Amarillo, TX
June 11 - 14, 19 J2A Pilgrimage – St. Paul’s Memorial Church, Charlottesville, VA
June 14 - 19 J2A Pilgrimage – Lakota Benedictine Experience with Martin Brokenleg, OSB
June 20 - 27 J2A Pilgrimage – Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Silver Spring, MD
June 20 - 27 J2A Pilgrimage – St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
June 28 - July 5 J2A Pilgrimage – Church of St. Martin in the Fields, Philadelphia, PA
June 28 - July 5 J2A Pilgrimage – St. John’s Episcopal Church, Northhampton, MA
July 7 - 14 J2A Pilgrimage – Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington, MA
July 10 - 18 J2A Pilgrimage – St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, Middletown, DE
July 18 - 25 J2A Pilgrimage – St. James’ Episcopal Church, Glastonbury, CT
Aug. 3 - 7 SANI-T Camp
Aug. 9 - 16 Family Week
Sept. 26 - 28 Buffalo Round-up, Custer State Park
Nov. 16 - 19 GreenFaith Fellowship Retreat – Middletown, New Jersey
2008 Calendar
June 7 - 14 J2A Pilgrimage – Episcopal Church of the Advent, Spartanburg, SC
June 15 - 22 J2A Pilgrimage – St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Boone, NC
June 23 - July 1 J2A Pilgrimage – St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Longmeadow, MA
June 29 - July 5 J2A Pilgrimage – Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
July 6 - 11 SANI-T Camp
July 12 - 19 J2A Pilgrimage – St. John’s Episcopal Church, Niantic, CT
July 20 - 25 SANI-T Visioning Retreat
July 27 - Aug. 3 J2A Pilgrimage – Trinity Episcopal Church, Princeton, NJ
2007 Calendar
May 28 - June 1 J2A Pilgrimage St. Stephen's Episcopal Church,
Billings, MT
June 3 - 6 Women's Advocate's Retreat, Sacred Circles, Rapid
City, SD
June 9 - 16 J2A Pilgrimage Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington,
June 12 - 20 J2A PIlgrimage St. Bede's Episcopal Church,
Atlanta, GA
June 17 - 24 J2A PIlgrimage Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Hastings,
24-July 1 Lakota Benedictine Experience with
Martin Brokenleg, OSB
July 1 - 8 J2A Pilgrimage St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church,
Sudbury, MA
July 9 - 16 J2A PIlgrimage St. John's Episcopal Church, Royal
March 31/April 1-2 Province VI Episcopal
College Gathering – Spearfish
Canyon, Black Hills
May 20 Borderlands Ranch Open House
June 3-4 Medicine Wheel Model of Natural Horsemanship –
Philip Whiteman, Jr.
June 5-11 J2A Pilgrimage – Galveston, TX
June 12-18 J2A Pilgrimage – St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Cadillac,
June 18-23 Lakota Benedictine Experience – Martin
Brokenleg, PhD, OSB
June 24-July 1 J2A Pilgrimage – St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church,
Grand Blanc, MI
July 9-16 J2A Pilgrimage – St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, DeSoto, TX
July 17-23 J2A Pilgrimage – Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
August 5-12 Women’s Lakota Pilgrimage – Patricia Iron Cloud & Linda
May 13,
14 and 15 - Exploring and Strengthening the Family Tree:
A Bonding Retreat for Grandparents and Grandchildren (or
a parent and one child).
Repeated June 17-19 and August 26-28
June 12-17- The Lakota Benedictine Experience
June 17-19 - Exploring and Strengthening the Family Tree:
A Bonding Retreat for Grandparents and Grandchildren
June 18 -19 - Days of Reflection
June 20 -22- Pilgrimage to Wounded Knee
1890, 1973, 2005
June 22 -26- J2A Pilgrimage Event
June 26- 27- Days of Reflection
June 27 - July 1 - Cousins Camp
July 1 - 4 - Borderlands Circle of Family and Friends Celebration
July 17-23- GRADY's Program(GirlsRespondingAssertivelytoDefiningYears)
July 17-23- Boys Outdoors Ages: 10- 12, 13-15, 16-18
July 18-25 - J2A PIlgrimage - Christ Church, Pomfret, CT
July 24 - 30 - GRADY's
Program Week II, Boys Outdoors
July 25-31 - J2A Pilgrimage - Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Charlottesville, VA
July 31 - August 6 - Grady's Program Week III, Boys Outdoors
August 1-7 - J2A Pilgrimage
August 7 - 13 - GRADY's
Program Week IV, Boys Outdoors
August 14-21 - Women's Lakota Pilgrimage
August 26-28 - Exploring and Strengthening the Family Tree:
A Bonding Retreat for Grandparents and Grandchildren
September 7-14 - Plus 50 Pilgrimage
September 14-16 - Pilgrimage to Wounded Knee 1890, 1973, 2005,
Summer 2004
June 21 - 28 - St. Anne's Episcopal Church J2A, DeSoto,
July 6 - 17 - Bruton Parish Episcopal Church J2A, Williamsburg,
July 18 - 28 - St. Clare's Episcopal Church J2A, Ann Arbor,
July 31 - August 7 - Zion Episcopal Church J2A, Wappingers
Falls, NY 12590
August 8 - 14 - Fremont, Michigan Women's Pilgrimage
August 15 - 21 - Trinity Episcopal Church J2A, Newtown, CT